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9 Video Marketing Strategies For Manufacturers That Drive Unbeatable ROI in 2024

Discover innovative video marketing strategies that enable manufacturers to achieve unmatched ROI in 2024.


In recent years, video marketing has emerged as a transformative digital marketing tool for manufacturers. As we enter into 2024, it's essential for manufacturers to embrace video marketing to connect with their target audience effectively online.

This blog will explore why video marketing is gaining momentum in the manufacturing sector and the unique challenges and opportunities that manufacturing companies face with video marketing.

Why Video Marketing For Manufacturers Is Gaining Momentum

2023 and 2024 mark a crucial juncture for manufacturers. The need to adopt video marketing is rapidly growing, thanks to shifts in consumer behavior and advancements in technology.

Here's why your manufacturing business needs to be an early adopter of video marketing:

  • Changing Consumer Preferences: Modern consumers are increasingly turning to online video content to inform their buying decisions. They prefer watching informative and engaging videos over reading text. Much of this shift is due to the rise of TikTok and short-form video content.

  • Digital Transformation: The manufacturing industry as a whole is undergoing a digital transformation, and adopting video marketing perfectly positions your company to keep pace and leverage these changes. Video content can effectively showcase products, manufacturing processes and company culture in a more personal and engaging way than ever before.

Global Reach: Video marketing enables manufacturers to reach a global audience. With the right strategies, your videos can rise above geographical boundaries and attract potential customers worldwide.

The Rising Importance of Video Marketing in Manufacturing

Statistics and data points emphasize the growing significance of video marketing in the manufacturing industry:

  • Video Consumption: In 2022, internet users spent almost 90 minutes per day watching online videos, and this number is expected to increase in the coming years. It’s not enough to post the occasional video on your manufacturing business’s website. Creating video content and disseminating it on social media platforms can widen your business’s marketing reach and increase ROI on your video marketing efforts.

  • Improved ROI: Manufacturers that effectively implement video marketing report higher return on investment (ROI) compared to traditional marketing approaches. That is because search engine algorithms and social media platform algorithms push video content in their search engine results, boosting content performance numbers and generating more leads and business.

  • Educational Impact: Video content is excellent for explaining complex manufacturing processes and showcasing the value of your products, making it an invaluable tool for educating potential clients and even new hires and business partners.

  • Enhanced Brand Connection: Video marketing offers a way for manufacturers’ brands to feel more human and easy to connect with than through other digital marketing methods. Helping prospects and leads connect faces and names to your manufacturing business creates a human connection and builds trust.

Video marketing is the answer to many challenges that manufacturers face, including the need for effective communication, product demonstration, brand exposure and increased ROI on digital marketing campaigns. Let's explore how manufacturers can harness the power of video.

Where to Start: Know Your Audience

Understanding your manufacturing business’s target audience is the first step towards building a successful video marketing strategy. Manufacturers should:

  • Identify Target Audiences: Define your ideal customers and tailor your video content to address their specific needs and pain points. Consider creating an individual persona for your target audience, complete with a name and face. This tactic will help humanize your audience and create compelling digital marketing and video campaigns.

  • Set Clear Goals: Determine what you want to achieve with your videos, whether it's increasing brand awareness, generating leads or boosting sales. The goal you choose will impact the video’s script, shooting style and where it lives on the internet.

  • Choose the Right Platforms: Select the platforms where your target audience is most active. This might include YouTube, LinkedIn or industry-specific platforms. Remember, if your video becomes an ad, it’s important to select the right campaign goal and bidding strategy within the video marketing platforms that will help you accomplish your desired goal.

Even if you think you have a good grasp on your manufacturing business’s ideal buyer, conducting fresh audience research is crucial to crafting videos that resonate with your target audience. Here are some practical tips:

  • Create Buyer Personas: Develop detailed buyer personas to understand your audience's demographics, behaviors and preferences. You may find that your manufacturing business serves more than one persona. Create compelling video content targeting each persona and their different pain points and needs.

Analyze Competitors: Study what successful manufacturers are doing to connect with their audience via video content. Keep in mind that what works for them might not work for you. Staying in touch with your business’s unique value propositions and your unique target audience will help determine what ideas from your competitive analysis are worth implementing into your own video marketing strategy.

Systematically Repurpose Your Video Content

Producing video content can seem like a significant initial investment, but you can maximize the return on this investment by repurposing your content across various platforms. A systematic approach to repurposing video content includes:

  • Creating Snippets: Cut short, attention-grabbing snippets from longer videos for sharing on social media and as teasers. Sorting these clips into mini-series can keep online users coming back for the next installment which can help your marketing performance numbers.

  • Blog Integration: Transcribe videos and turn them into blog posts to reach audiences who prefer written content and to please search engine algorithms. To save time and energy on ideation, look back through your website’s current blog material for inspiration. Creating videos, blogs, podcasts and more around the same topic and theme gives your audience multiple ways to engage, learn and share your business’s content.

  • Email Marketing: Share videos with your email subscribers to keep them engaged and informed and to boost your email campaigns’ effectiveness. Consider creating video only campaigns and test their performance against text only campaigns and mixed campaigns. Keep in mind that different campaign formats may perform differently within different email segments.

Webinars and Live Streams: Utilize your video content for webinars and live streams to provide in-depth insights and engage with your audience in real-time. Offer Q&A so that your audience gets the most value from the information presented in the videos.

Establish A Balanced Video Production Pipeline

A common misconception is that high-quality videos require massive budgets and large, resource-intensive film crews. However, even manufacturers with limited resources can create compelling video content by focusing on the following components of a successful video production pipeline:

  • Team: Assemble a dedicated and experienced team that includes videographers, screenwriters, editors and content creators who understand the manufacturing industry and your business’s target audience. Remember that your videographer can use an iPhone, your screenwriter can leverage AI, your editor can use native video editing softwares on social media platforms and you can cheaply outsource content creators.

  • Strategy: Develop a well-thought-out video marketing strategy that aligns with your business’s objectives. This should include content planning, a content calendar and distribution tactics. Consider the different treatment that certain products will need to create an effective video marketing campaign. Experiment with different shooting styles and scriptwriting elements to see which performs best.

  • Optimizing Production Processes: Find ways to streamline your production processes to save time and money without compromising quality. Finding ways to streamline and cut costs may take some time, but they will present themselves as your team becomes more advanced and experienced. Two ways to film cost-effectively right away is to choose simple locations that don’t require transport or set up and to use your own employees as talent instead of hiring and outsourcing paid talent.

As you research manufacturers who are already winning in the video marketing space, you’ll begin to see how varied the production quality and strategies are from business to business.

Many manufacturers have achieved cost-effective video production that yields big returns. As your business explores video marketing, you will find the feasibility of this approach.

Plan For Virality In Manufacturing Videos

While going viral shouldn't be the sole measure of success or the main goal of your business’s video marketing strategy, going viral can significantly boost brand visibility. To plan for virality, consider the following strategies:

  • Emotional Appeal: Craft videos that evoke emotion and resonate with your audience. Think about the pain points that your target audience deals with and explore how to tell a story about your product helping to alleviate that problem.

  • Unique and Shareable Content: Create content that's shareable and unique, increasing the likelihood of it going viral. Shareable content is often not focused on advertising your brand, but focused on offering free value to a wide audience.

  • Leverage Trends: Stay updated on industry trends and hot topics, and incorporate them into your videos when relevant. Trends can include audio, hashtags and shooting style. Keep in mind that jumping on viral trends that don’t align with your brand can be harmful in the long run. Only create videos with trends that match and serve your brand and the campaign’s purpose.

It's important to remember that not all of your business’s videos need to go viral. Consistent, high-quality content is often more valuable in the long run.

At the end of the day, you can’t control which videos will go viral and when. All you can do is create high quality content that offers real value and that incorporates video marketing best practices.

Collaborative Video Marketing

Collaborative video marketing is a powerful strategy to expand your business’s reach and credibility. Manufacturers can benefit from video marketing collaboration in various ways:

  • Case Studies: As you begin to collaborate with other manufacturers, use the success of those collaborations to draw in other collaborators. Share case studies of successful, past collaborations to inspire other businesses in the manufacturing sector to partner with you. Sharing these successes also positions your brand as an authority in the manufacturing space and increases your manufacturing business’s overall search engine performance.

  • Cross-Promotion: Partner with complementary businesses to co-create and promote videos on each other’s platforms, expanding your brand’s reach.

"Foot in the Door" for Collaboration: High-quality videos can serve as an entry point for collaboration, opening doors to mutually beneficial partnerships.

9 Strategies for Manufacturers For Video Marketing Results

1. Virtual Factory Tours

Virtual factory tours allow potential clients and customers to explore your manufacturing facilities without physically visiting. Interactive tours can cater to specific areas of interest, showcasing machinery and processes.

Virtual tours have the power to shorten buying cycles and build trust between your business and the consumer. Because you’ve made your manufacturing facilities and products more easily accessible via video content, consumers have more convenient ways to interact with your business and gather important information before making a purchase decision. Virtual tours often help highlighting important manufacturing product features that are neglected when covered in shorter form advertisement, such as production safety, sustainability, and compliance.

2. Product Demos

Create short, succinct videos demonstrating how your business’s products work. Incorporate real-world applications, user testimonials and clear value propositions to make these videos compelling.

Add in creative elements like unique ways to use certain products to evoke intrigue and cast a wider buyer net.

3. Thought Leadership Interviews

Position your manufacturing brand as an industry authority by interviewing key personnel, engineers or thought leaders. Discuss industry trends, innovation and insights to provide valuable content.

Make sure to tie these conversations back to your business and your products to connect your brand to innovative industry trends.

4. Customer Testimonials

Sharing real customer stories in video format can have significant influence in winning over prospective clients. Video testimonials provide a richer and more persuasive narrative than written ones.

Clearly seeing the happy emotions and satisfaction of real clients can reinforce your manufacturing business’s ability to solve pain points and provide an exceptional customer service experience.

5. Behind-the-Scenes Videos

Humanize your manufacturing brand by showcasing your company culture, the manufacturing process and the people behind the products. This helps strengthen customer trust and helps connect your target audience with your brand.

Be creative and incorporate humor and emotion while making sure filming is conducted safely and that no trade secrets are inadvertently exposed.

6. Video Case Studies

Transform detailed case studies into engaging video narratives. Communicate how your company solved specific problems for customers, highlighting the process and results.

If you can, create a documentary style video that shows the entire process from beginning to end.

7. "How It's Made" Videos

Educate your audience by detailing the manufacturing process of your products. Transparency is a unique selling point and in-market, online users love learning these detailed processes.

8. Webinars and Livestreams

Use webinars for longer, in-depth content, such as product launches, training or industry discussions. Live streams allow for real-time audience engagement in a more casual and interactive format.

You can also offer limited time deals and discounts for live webinar attendees. These flash sales can increase revenue, generate a new pool of loyal, lifelong customers and prime attendees to participate in future webinars, livestreams and live, virtual events.

9. SEO-Optimized Video Content

Optimize all your video content for search engines by using proper meta descriptions, tags and transcriptions. This ensures maximum visibility to your intended audience.

Platforms like YouTube scan your videos and text descriptions and headings to make sure that they all match and that your video’s content is accurately advertised. For this reason, search engine optimized scriptwriting for your videos is key.

Find Ways to Receive Feedback On Your Videos

Continuous improvement is essential in video marketing. Gather feedback to enhance your content:

  • Importance of Feedback: Understanding when your target audience resonates with your video content is important when deciding and planning future content. Additionally, being open to receiving constructive feedback can help your video content become more and more effective.

  • Gathering Feedback: Explain how to your video team how to collect feedback, even when videos are not publicly accessible, through surveys, focus groups or pilot testing.

Real-World Examples: Follow your business’s competitors to understand how they are evolving and elevating their video content strategies based on feedback.

Measure and Analyze Video Performance

Tracking video metrics is crucial for success. Discuss and define key performance indicators (KPIs) relevant to manufacturing with your video team and recommend tools and platforms for video analytics.

Platforms like Instagram and YouTube offer insights so you can keep a close eye on how individual videos perform. Incorporate more and more of the highest performing types of videos in your video marketing strategy for a stronger campaign.

Use Video Marketing to Boost Your Digital Marketing Presence

Video marketing is becoming a game-changer for manufacturers in 2023 and 2024. To stay competitive and connect with your target audience effectively, it's essential to implement these nine essential manufacturing video marketing strategies.

Staying up-to-date with video marketing trends and technologies will help your manufacturing business remain at the forefront of the industry and experience unparalleled ROI.

Our "YouTube for Manufacturers" guide can provide you with more in-depth insights and strategies specific to video marketing on the platform.

Venveo proudly stands in the gap between your manufacturing business and your online customers. Our innovative and proven digital marketing techniques can help your manufacturing business grow a compelling online presence and attract more and more customers. Contact us to learn more about how we can help.

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